Wadzanai Nenzou, Founder of Herconomics
"Many people think I have my shit together when it comes to managing my money because I founded Herconomics. They could not be further from the truth. I am no financial guru. I have my struggles like most people.
Like most people I am focused on having better money habits and creating a financially comfortable life for myself. I have money worries like most people, and I sometimes feel ashamed around my inadequacies with money like most people. I am imperfect with my money and I am trying to do better.
I started Herconomics as much for myself as for other women. I am in this together with the ladies of Herconomics because I am very much in the same boat. I have learnt so much from these wonderful women and I know I will continue to be inspired and learn more from all the money stories I will share on this platform.
I have always experienced magic when we women positively come together to empower ourselves. I hope the stories shared on Herconomics will bring women the confidence to go forth, take personal responsibility and empower themselves financially and in all other ways."