Mariam Issa, Speaker, Author, Storyteller, Community Builder

"My Money story is linked with three simple principles I operate from, and practice with conviction. When I am in tune with these principles they work beautifully for me, every time.

The first one of my principle is to DREAM or have a burning DESIRE for the money I want and I identify for myself WHY I want it. I then go to the second stage of my principle which is I have to BELIEVE I can have this money and I am worthy of it. The believe stage can take quite a process because our rational mind is practical and it doesn't allow us to believe that we can have something for nothing - for instance if I don't have a job and I believe in getting $1000 at the end of the week then it makes no sense to the rational mind. So I've to sit with my mind and convince it that money is not necessarily the by product of work, sometimes it can come in the form of a gift or an inheritance or I could win the lottery not that I do( I don't even buy lottery tickets) but I convince my mind that I am willing to receive this money and I practice the feeling of what it's like when I have my money and I see myself using it for the purpose that I wanted it for. When I've completed my belief principle I know because my mind stops to resist, and I actually start to feel good and a feeling that the money is almost here washes over me. The doubts stop and a sense of expectation comes my way.

This is when I go to the third phase of my principle and I CREATE. An inspiration occurs, an exciting feeling of wanting to do a particular thing or visit someone who is an enabler for a project comes to mind or I might simply get an invitation in my inbox to go to a conference to speak, or a School depending on the amount of my request. In a few weeks or a month by the most, I might have the amount that I put forth. I know this sounds crazy to some of you but this really happens in my life and money really shows up for me with ease. I've always been an entrepreneur at heart and I believe whole heartily that we can make the amount of money we believe we are able to. I encourage you to remove the negative emotions you have around money and remember it's just a form of exchange with others and if you're willing for it to come to you with ease then it will. This is a practice I share wholeheartedly with my family & friends and it works for some while doesn't for others, it all depends on the level of trust you've that comes from within. This is a powerful practice that opens up our autonomy."


Anonymous Herconomics Money Story