Kudzai Maphosa, Mind Coach at Splendid Mind Consultancy

“My money story sucked.

I made a decision those many years ago that money disconnects me from the people and the things l love the most. Go figure! And from my Care Giver l picked up the story that money is a potential magnet for tragic events.

Now l know why l could never keep money despite making more money than my peers. I had no qualms giving large sums of money away and was never uncomfortable with not having savings. In fact it felt safe. Imagine Financial Poverty being safe ! Perhaps the preacher man also has a lot to answer for here.

I only recently started working on my relationship with money. It has been the most challenging and the most liberating experience of all.

I must say l needed a Money Coach for the journey. A lot of layers had to be peeled off to get to the core of the matter.

Did you know there are a lot of coaching tools about money out there ? I needed them all. I for one could not believe l was that messed up in relation to money. I would listen to people go on and on about money wondering at how petty they were.

All this time, l was not aware l was petrified about the subject of money. I did not want anything to do with it. Afterall, whenever money was around, loved ones died. Remember, l was never consciously aware of these transparent beliefs until a light was shone onto it during a coaching session.

My new money story is: Money connects me to all l love. I love money. I can keep money and multiply it as l choose. Money is neutral and does not discriminate ( a huge plus for me). Each day l spend a few minutes reviewing my orientation to money to make sure l remain on track.

The journey continues. I now have a personal money blueprint. I have my 5 numbers, my financial protection number, my financial security number ,my financial safety number, my financial independence number and my financial freedom number on display. I am actively learning more and more about money. Right now l know l can't tell my employer where to go without starving as soon as l say it!

Now the goal is to understand the rules of money. If money determines where l live and what l eat and who l spend time with, l better know what l am dealing with.

The good news is we can change our relationship with money at any time of our choosing. We are never too old to change and it's full hardy to keep doing what's not working for us.

My new story with age and money is : l still have a couple of decades over Colonel Harland Sanders of KFC to make it big.

What's your money story ?”


Mariam Issa, Speaker, Author, Storyteller, Community Builder


Jenny Rolfe-Wallace, Director, Sprout Education Group