Alex Harvey, Money Coach

"My first major learning around money was that it’s not about what you earn, it’s about what you do with what you earn. I went out of uni as an engineer onto a $102k pay package. Before starting that job, after 4 years of being a full-time student and working on the side, I had about $5k in my bank account. After my first year working full-time on that wonderful salary, I had around $8k in my bank account. I was HORRIFIED. What the hell did I do with all that money?

I changed my approach and budgeted for the first time with really awesome results… that was until I decided to leave my full-time job to follow my passion. In 6 short months, I’d spent my entire life savings and had barely figured out how to get paid at all being self-employed… I realised that this was a whole different ball game and that managing money when you’re self-employed takes a lot more skill and focus than getting paid a regular paycheck.

Panic-stricken about how I was going to pay my rent and buy food I did what any good engineer would do… I created system, a money management system to get crystal clear on all my numbers, how much I needed to be bringing in, how I was going to do that and how I could start getting savings back in the bank using a purpose-driven approach. Well, after 12 months of laser focus on following my system and working on my mindset I had $30k back in the bank without a full-time job or thriving business… it’s not so much about what you earn, but what you do with what you earn.

I became hugely passionate about money in the process because I realised that my ability to earn in a way that was meaningful to me and my ability to manage my money effectively was my ability to create a fulfilling life I love where I have the means to live by my values. This led me to eventually become a money coach and help others do the same as me, both changing their relationship to money and developing practical skills to manage money more effectively. I find this work deeply fulfilling as I get to witness what a profound effect this transformation has on people’s lives and what becomes possible for them."


Nola Mutogo, Copywriter, Social Media Strategist and Founder at Havilah Creative


Christina Hobbs, CEO of Verve Super